
What is ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is a web-based platform designed specifically for sports officials. It is an innovative tool that enables officials to manage their schedules, assign games, communicate with other officials, and access important game information all in one place.
ArbiterLive is highly customizable, allowing officials to tailor it to their specific needs and preferences. It is used by officials across a variety of sports, including football, basketball, soccer, and lacrosse.

How Does ArbiterLive Work?

ArbiterLive provides officials with a centralized location for all their scheduling needs. Officials can access their schedules from any device, including their smartphones, tablets, and computers.
The platform also allows officials to easily communicate with each other and their assigners. Officials can use ArbiterLive to send messages, accept or decline game assignments, and even block off certain dates or times when they are unavailable.
ArbiterLive also provides officials with access to important game information, including game locations, start times, and any special instructions or notes from the assigner.

Why Should Sports Officials Use ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is a game-changer for sports officials. It streamlines the scheduling process, making it faster and more efficient. Officials no longer have to juggle multiple schedules or rely on outdated communication methods, such as phone calls or emails.
ArbiterLive also helps officials stay organized and on top of their schedules. They can easily see when and where they are assigned to work, and they can quickly accept or decline assignments as needed.
Finally, ArbiterLive helps officials stay connected with their colleagues. They can use the platform to send messages, ask questions, and share important information, such as rule updates or training opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is ArbiterLive easy to use?

A: Yes, ArbiterLive is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Officials can easily navigate the platform and access the information they need.

Q: Can I access ArbiterLive from my smartphone?

A: Yes, ArbiterLive is fully mobile-responsive and can be accessed from any device, including smartphones and tablets.

Q: How much does ArbiterLive cost?

A: The cost of ArbiterLive varies depending on the size of the officiating organization and the specific features needed. Contact ArbiterSports for pricing information.


ArbiterLive is a powerful tool for sports officials. It simplifies the scheduling process, improves communication, and helps officials stay organized and connected. If you are a sports official, consider using ArbiterLive to streamline your work and make your life easier.